Monday, December 5, 2011

12 Tips of Christmas: #3 Meal Planning

"What's for dinner?"

As a food blogger with two other jobs, I must meal plan.  If I don't plan we don't eat and I don't blog.  Meal planning can benefit you as well!  Take 20 minutes one day per week and sit down and write out a meal plan (mine is actually on my Blackberry so it is with me always).  Get your family's input (or not).  I know people who like to plan on Wednesdays when the grocery ads come out in the paper.  They then base their choices on the sales that week.

Planning your meals can help you to make healthier choices.  Keep in mind that leftovers can be used for additional meals, and incorporate them into breakfasts, lunches, or additional dinners.  Also include whole grains, fruits and vegetables in your planning.  Make your meals realistic! If you do not get home on Tuesdays until 6:30pm, what are the chances of you making beef wellington?

Find the recipes that you will use and make your grocery list based on your plan!  Also include items for planned snacks and beverages.

When using your list at store, don't be swayed by the "extras" that are not on your list!  This will help to eliminate unnecesary snacks and "junk" from loading up your cupboards and it will also save you money!!

Knowing what your dinner plan is and having those grocery items on hand will help to save you time at the end of the day..... and maybe even enough time to fit in some exercise or more family time!

So what are YOU having for dinner tomorrow?


  1. Tonight I am making a vegetarian lentil soup! Minnesota is now very cold, which means all I want to eat is healthy soup!

  2. tonight is breakfast for dinner, our trusty monday night fare. Tomorrow is going to be tuna noodle from scratch- loaded w/green beans and sweet peas, salad and either jello or apples w/homemade caramel dip.
    nothing exciting, but generally healthy and fairly cheap!
