
Monday, January 27, 2014

Things That I Know

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1.  I ran my first half marathon last weekend.  In Disneyland.  I thankfully have a great group of girlfriends who have a sense of humor- and who loved the experience as much as I did.  How did I do?  Well.......... I finished in the top 10%.  But by no means does that mean that I am fast.  It means that everyone else was slow.  If I ran that same pace in any other race I would have been lucky to finish in the top half.  C'est la vie, right?

2.  With Super Bowl right around the corner, I wanted to tell you about.......

This hummus

These baked pickle chips

And popcorn

And creamy onion gratin... maybe on toast wedges?

3.  And here are a few more random recipes that have nothing to do with football that I thought looked divine........

DIY Saute Blocks... pure genius

Winter Quinoa Salad.... because something good (besides snow) needs to come from this season

Roasted Cauliflower Soup.... because cauliflower is so trendy and it makes me so happy

Fauxstess Cupcakes... because it's like a cupcake is THAT bad for you.  It's the partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup that those processed little buggers have.

Kale and Butternut Squash Breakfast Burritos.... because veggies in breakfast are delightful

Have a wonderful week! 


  1. Congrats on your half marathon!!!

  2. I ran the 10k the morning before the 1/2. It was fun! But I was DONE by the end. Congrats on being in the 10%!

  3. I was looking through my Google analytics and happened to see that my quinoa salad was on here! That is so awesome and I'm honored! Thanks!
