
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things That I Know

1.  I'm deep into my half-marathon training and I need some new Hammer Gel flavor suggestions.  I can do vanilla and am really afraid of anything else.  Pretty sure I can't stomach peanut butter.  Or apple cinnamon.  Or banana.  Or coffee or chocolate.  Soooooooo.  I guess I'm stuck with vanilla?

2.  This applesauce is totally on my list of to-do's.

3.  Brussels sprouts with an Asian twist?  Yep. OK. Mmmhmm.

4.  This map on grocery shopping is fantastic.  And funny.  And well worth 5 minutes of your time.

5.  If you're in the market for some fantastic, fun, super soft leggings this winter (or if someone on your Christmas list is), check out this site.  You will NOT be disappointed.

Pastel Winter Leggings


  1. I am running my first half marathon November 30th! Do you have any tips for pre-race nutrition or for fueling during the race? Thanks!

    Oh, also, that brown rice risotto recipe a few posts back is amazing!

  2. I am a runner and do races frequent enough to hear ya with the thought of energy gel flavors making your stomach swirl. My all time favorite energy gel, though not Hammer Brand, is the salted caramel GU energy gel. I have never looked more forward to my runs than when I get to have that flavor. YUM.

  3. Hi there! One thing that has really helped me this round is really trying to have a gel about 4 miles in. I used to skip it completely but it has made a big difference in my pace towards the end! Congrats on your first half!

  4. Thank you! I will give it a try- it doesn't sound half bad! I guess I am partial to Hammer Gel because it is a Montana based company. Go local, ya know?

  5. I la-la-loove peanut butter to the fact that I like doing long runs just to eat the GU. Weird? Maybe. But it's my fave.

  6. I've never had success with GU, but I do sometime eat candy on runs lasting more than 1.5 hours. This homemade gummy candy that I found on the Tasty Kitchen website is delicious, portable-ish, and has the protein/sugar ratio that I personally like.

  7. I cannot eat Gu's either. Instead I eat chews -- Welch's has a brand (marketed to kids) and it contains mostly fruit juice. You have to chew them -- but they are small and soft - so they go down quick. I like them much better than Chomps. Aldi also has a brand of fruit chews that work just as well. Best wishes on your training!
