
Friday, March 8, 2013

Things That I Know

1. We have hit the largest food-dye month of the year.  The month that encompasses St. Patrick's Day and Easter.  Here's something (and something more) that you should know before you drown yourself in green beer and color those Easter eggs.

2.  That being said, give these a whirl this year!

3. I am a sucker for a good granola.  Quinoa granola is on my to-do list.  In the meantime, try out this one from Country Cleaver.

4.  Baby Gap is where it's at for high fashion in infancy as far as I'm concerned.  My wee babe will be sporting this come spring.  I absolutely positively could not help myself.  

5.  Why do I love shoes so much but despise buying new running shoes?  A pair of these would help ease that pain, however.

6.  I used to not like potatoes.  Weird.  I still don't like mashed potatoes.  Weird.  I DO need these in my life.

7.  I went for it.  Offered up the avocado.  She liked it.  Sort of.

8.  I realize that there is a TON of parenting advice out there.  I finally found someone who speaks to my mommy voice and I thought I would share her blog.  Like it or leave it but it's where I'm at right now.


  1. Thank you! And amazing blog - seeing as my daughter has a dairy allergy, I'm going to have to check out all the recipes!!

  2. Thank you for the links on dyes in food. I will be better on what I give to my daughter.

  3. Thanks so much for including my granola in your list Lindsay! :) Have a great weekend doll! :) ~Megan

  4. When it comes to parenting you have to do what works for you and your child. To heck with what anyone else says, does, etc. Each child is different as is each situation. Never allow yourself to feel guilty for the choices you make in parenting your child. Never.
