
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Tip: Exercise with the One You Love

This Valentine's Day if you really care about the one that you love, do something for their heart.  This does not include buying them chocolates and flowers.  Get them inspired to exercise!

Couples who exercise together have as much as a 90% chance of sticking with it!  In addition, partners who exercise together are more connected and spend more quality time together.

If exercising outdoors, doing so with a partner is also more safe.

Try walking or jogging together, or signing up for a fitness class.  There are many strength exercises that can be performed with a partner, or try a "work in" set where partners switch with each other between sets.

No matter what you do for exercise, involve your partner!  Ensure that the two of you can spend a long and healthy lifetime together.


  1. Love this. I am an exercise lover and my husband is in the army so it's part of his job. We have different exercise goals but a nice jog/run together is something we can both enjoy and be challenged by. Happy love day!

  2. I love going for a nice run with my boyfriend. I wish we could exercise together today, to bad for long distance!

    Great idea! I hope you have a wonderful Valentines day!

  3. I began walking two years ago to finally start losing weight. My husband of twenty years decided last February to join me on my evening walk (at this point I was walking 3 miles in the evening plus 2 miles in the morning). I slowed my pace when he first joined me, and stopped for a rest when he felt shin splints (he wouldn't rest for long) and/or rest again when his calves got too tight. After a couple of months he said I walk too fast so he started husband last jogged in high school's been a while! I have NEVER been a jogger or even tried..walking fast was working so why change it? Well of course with hubby kicking my butt by running I had to try too...a year later I am still not a jogger but I do try...jog a little, walk a little etc...We've both lost weight (regained a lil' bit from the holidays...ugh!) but slowly and steadily continue on our path...I am the excuse maker, he is the realist usually that gets us out the door...lately we've reversed our roles leaving me to be the "come'on, it'll be over before you know it" person...the inspiration from your blog helps ALOT!

  4. Thanks for sharing Vikki! My husband typically kicks my butt too, but it's motivating!
